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List of courses offered by Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology, RVIST

Rift valley institute of science and technologyRift valley institute of science and technology is a Technical and Vocational College (TVC) that offer mainly artisan courses, craft / certificate, diploma and higher diploma courses. Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology, popularly known as RVIST, is located in Nakuru County. In this article, we explore more about RVIST the courses offered and much more.

Courses offered in Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology

As mentioned above, the courses offered in Rift valley institute of science and technology comprise of artisan, certificate, diploma and higher diploma courses. The programs open to qualified candidates include;

  1. Artisan in electrical installation
  2. Artisan in food and beverage
  3. Artisan in garment making
  4. Artisan in garment making
  5. Artisan in welding & fabrication
  6. Craft in automotive engineering
  7. Craft in business management
  8. Craft in electrical & electronic engineering (power)
  9. Craft in food and beverage production, sales and services
  10. Craft in human resource management
  11. Craft in mechanical engineering (production)
  12. Craft in plumbing
  13. Craft in science laboratory technology
  14. Certificate in social work & community development
  15. Craft in supply chain management
  16. Craft in building technology
  17. Craft in fashion design & garment making
  18. Craft in information technology
  19. Craft in catering and accommodation operation
  20. Craft in cooperative management
  21. Craft in general agriculture
  22. Certificate in information studies
  23. Craft in group & single secretarial studies
  24. Craft in petroleum geoscience
  25. Certificate in tour guiding & operations
  26. Craft in agricultural engineering mechanics
  27. Certificate in early childhood development
  28. Diploma in social work & community development
  29. Diploma in food and beverage production, sales and services
  30. Diploma in automotive engineering
  31. Diploma in mechanical engineering (production)
  32. Diploma in applied biology
  33. Diploma in analytical chemistry
  34. Diploma in electrical & electronic engineering (telecommunication)
  35. Diploma in electrical & electronic engineering (power)
  36. Diploma in supply chain management
  37. Diploma in business management
  38. Diploma in information communication technology (ICT)
  39. Diploma in computer studies
  40. Diploma in library & information studies
  41. Diploma in human resource management
  42. Diploma in pharmaceutical technology
  43. Diploma in medical laboratory technology
  44. Diploma in petroleum geoscience
  45. Diploma in entrepreneurship
  46. Diploma in fashion design and clothing
  47. Diploma in civil engineering
  48. Diploma in banking & finance
  49. Diploma in building technology
  50. Diploma in accountancy
  51. Diploma in catering and accommodation management
  52. Diploma in agriculture
  53. Diploma in cooperative management
  54. Diploma in secretarial studies
  55. Diploma in nutrition & dietetic management
  56. Diploma in architecture
  57. Diploma in quantity surveying
  58. Diploma in tourism management
  59. Diploma in medical engineering
  60. Diploma in early childhood and protection
  61. Diploma in water technology (water supply option)
  62. Diploma in road transport management
  63. Diploma in agricultural engineering

Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology courses and fees

The following tabulates the Rift valley institute of science and technology courses and fees charged. On average, the fee structure is pegged at Kshs: 67,189/-

Courses and fees structureFirst year fees in Kshs
Artisan courses67,189
Craft/ certificate courses67,189
Diploma courses67,189

Final word

RVIST is a premier tvet school located in Nakuru county. The college offers market driven courses comprising diplomas, certificates and artisans. Qualifications for the courses are; KCSE C- (minus), D (plain) and D- (minus) respectively. For more information on courses, admission requirements, intakes, fees, etc. Contact us via the college directly or if you need quick help, connect with us through the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will give you the assistance you need.

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