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Business management degrees and related courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya

Are you interested in pursuing a career in business or related field? Let us help you choose the most appropriate course in the best fit training institution. Our course choice guidance or full admission support will help you avoid costly mistakes that many young people make when joining college.

List of Business management degrees and related courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya

  1. Bachelor of Commerce
  2. Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com/ BCom)
  3. Bachelor of Science (Records Management and Information Technology)
  4. Bachelor of Science (Information Science)
  5. Bachelor of Science (Information Sciences and Knowledge Management)
  6. Bachelor of Science (Information Sciences)
  7. Bachelor of Science in Information Science
  8. Bachelor of Science (Bsc) in Information Sciences
  9. Bachelor of Business and Management
  10. Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
  11. Bachelor of Science in Marketing, With IT
  12. Bachelor of Business Administration in Management (BBAM)
  13. Bachelor of Secretarial Management and Administration (BSMA)
  14. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
  15. Bachelor of Business Administration
  16. Bachelor of Business Administration (With IT)
  17. Bachelor of Business Administration with IT
  18. Bachelor in Business Administration in Marketing
  19. Bachelor of Business and Office Management
  20. Bachelor of Business Administration in Office Administration
  21. Bachelor of Science (Tourism Management)
  22. Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
  23. Bachelor of Tourism Management
  24. Bachelor of Technology (Tourism Management)
  25. Bachelor of Business Administration and Management
  26. Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM)
  27. Bachelor of Human Resources Management
  28. Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Management)
  29. Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
  30. Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management, With IT
  31. Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management
  32. Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
  33. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  34. Bachelor of Business and Information Technology
  35. Bachelor of Science in Business Innovation and Technology Management
  36. Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  37. Bachelor of Science (Hospitality & Tourism Management)
  38. Bachelor of Science (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
  39. Bachelor of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management
  40. Bachelor of Hospitality and Institutional Management
  41. Bachelor of Hotel & Hospitality Management
  42. Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
  43. Bachelor of Hotels and Hospitality Management
  44. Bachelor of Eco-Tourism and Hospitality Management
  45. Bachelor of Science (Eco-Tourism, Hotel and Institution Management, With IT)
  46. Bachelor of Science (Ecotourism & Hospitality Management)
  47. Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism
  48. Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
  49. Bachelor of Technology in Hotel & Hospitality Management
  50. Bachelor of Library & Information Science
  51. Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)
  52. Bachelor of Library and Information Studies
  53. Bachelor of Science (BSC) in Library and Information Science
  54. Bachelor of Travel and Tours Operations Management
  55. Bachelor of Travel & Tours Management
  56. Bachelor of International Tourism Management
  57. Bachelor of Business Information Technology
  58. Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Contract Management
  59. Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management
  60. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
  61. Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management
  62. Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  63. Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
  64. Bachelor Purchasing and Supplies Management
  65. Bachelor of Procurement and Supplies Management
  66. Bachelor of Science (Procurement and Supplies Management)
  67. Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management
  68. Bachelor of Procurement
  69. Bachelor of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
  70. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
  71. Bachelor of Science (Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprises Management)
  72. Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  73. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management
  74. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
  75. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
  76. Bachelor of Science (Entrepreneurship Studies)
  77. Bachelor of Science (Entrepreneurship)
  78. Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  79. Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship, With IT
  80. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management
  81. Bachelor of Business Management and Information Technology
  82. Bachelor of Project Planning and Management
  83. Bachelor of Science (Project Planning and Management)
  84. Bachelor of Science (Project Planning Management)
  85. Bachelor of Project Management (BPM)
  86. Bachelor of Technology (Hotel and Restaurant Management)
  87. Bachelor of Technology (Business Information Technology)
  88. Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management
  89. Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
  90. Bachelor of Catering and Hospitality Management
  91. Bachelor of Business Leadership
  92. Bachelor of Technology (Office Administration and Technology)
  93. Bachelor of Technology (Institutional Management)
  94. Bachelor of Business Management (Civil Aviation Management)
  95. Bachelor of Science (Strategic Management)
  96. Bachelor of Business Management (Marine Business Management)
  97. Bachelor of Co-Operative Management
  98. Bachelor of Co-Operatives and Community Development
  99. Bachelor of Science (Health Records & Information Mgt.)
  100. Bachelor of Science (Health Records and Informatics)
  101. Bachelor of Science (Health Records, With IT)
  102. Bachelor of Science in Health Records Management & Informatics
  103. Bachelor of Science Health Records Management and Information
  104. Bachelor of Science (Business Information Systems)
  105. Bachelor of Arts (Business Studies, With IT)
  106. Bachelor of Co-Operative Business
  107. Bachelor of Management Information Systems
  108. Bachelor of Science (Information Systems)
  109. Bachelor of Education (Library Science)
  110. Bachelor of Science (Food Service and Hospitality Management)
  111. Bachelor of Health Services Management
  112. Bachelor of Science in International Business Management
  113. Bachelor of Business Information and Management
  114. Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management
  115. Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management and Economics
  116. Bachelor of Science in Health Records and Information Technology
  117. Bachelor of Science in Health Records and Information Management
  118. Bachelor of Science (Health Records and Information Management)
  119. Bachelor of Science in Travel and Tourism Management
  120. Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management
  121. Bachelor of Science (Hospitality Management)

Minimum Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for degree courses is the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) mean grade C + (plus) and above. Applicants should also have performed well in the various cluster subjects required for each course or study option or programme.

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By | 2019-11-13T16:32:20+03:00 November 13th, 2019|Blog Articles|
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