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Engineering and technology degree courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya

Are you interested in pursuing a career in an engineering and technology related field? Let us help you choose the most appropriate course in the best fit training institution. Our course choice guidance or full admission support will help you avoid costly mistakes that many young people encounter.

List of engineering and technology courses in Kenya

Depending on your ability and interest, engineering and technology related courses exist in many fields. The following is a list of engineering degree and related courses offered in various schools, colleges and universities in Kenya.

  1. Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
  2. Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering)
  3. Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering
  4. Bachelor of Science (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
  5. Bachelor of Science (Electrical And Electronic Engineering)
  6. Bachelor of Science (Bsc) In Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  7. Bachelor of science in electrical and electronic engineering
  8. Bachelor of science in electrical and electronics engineering
  9. Bachelor of engineering (mechanical engineering)
  10. Bachelor of science (mechanical engineering)
  11. Bachelor of science (Bsc), in mechanical engineering
  12. Bachelor of engineering (agricultural & bio-systems engineering)
  13. Bachelor of science (agricultural & bio-systems engineering)
  14. Bachelor of science (agricultural and biosystems engineering)
  15. Bachelor of science (agricultural engineering)
  16. Bachelor of science (biosystems engineering)
  17. Bachelor of science (microprocessor technology and instrumentation)
  18. Bachelor of science (marine engineering)
  19. Bachelor of science (water and environmental engineering)
  20. Bachelor of technology in water, irrigation and environmental engineering
  21. Bachelor of science (telecommunication & inform. Tech)
  22. Bachelor of science (telecommunication and information engineering)
  23. Bachelor of science in telecommunication and information technology
  24. Bachelor of science (manufacturing engineering & technology)
  25. Bachelor of science in mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  26. Bachelor of science in petroleum exploration and production
  27. Bachelor of technology in computer and electronic systems
  28. Bachelor of science (instrumentation & control engineering)
  29. Bachelor of science (instrumentation & control)
  30. Bachelor of science (control and instrumentation)
  31. Bachelor of science in mechatronic engineering
  32. Bachelor of science (electrical and communication engineering)
  33. Bachelor of science in electrical and telecommunication engineering
  34. Bachelor of science (mechanical and industrial engineering)
  35. Bachelor of science in automotive technology
  36. Bachelor of education in technology (mechanical engineering)
  37. Bachelor of education in technology (mechanical technology)
  38. Bachelor of education in technology (electrical & electronic engineering)
  39. Bachelor of education in technology (electrical & electronic technology)
  40. Bachelor of education in technology (building & civil technology)
  41. Bachelor of education (technology education)
  42. Bachelor of science (mining and mineral processing engineering)
  43. Bachelor of science (electronic and computer engineering)
  44. Bachelor of science in computer systems engineering
  45. Bachelor of technology (industrial and applied chemistry)
  46. Bachelor of technology in applied chemistry
  47. Bachelor of education (ICT)
  48. Bachelor of education technology (computer studies)
  49. Bachelor of science (electronics)
  50. Bachelor of engineering (aeronautical engineering)
  51. Bachelor of science in electronics
  52. Bachelor of technology in electrical and computer engineering
  53. Bachelor of science (industrial chemistry with management)
  54. Bachelor of science (renewable energy and environmental physics)
  55. Bachelor of science (renewable energy)
  56. Bachelor of science (renewable energy and biofuels technology)
  57. Bachelor of technology in renewable energy & environmental physics
  58. Bachelor of technology in renewable energy
  59. Bachelor of technology (electrical and electronic engineering technology)
  60. Bachelor of technology in electrical and electronic engineering
  61. Bachelor of technology (civil engineering technology)
  62. Bachelor of technology in civil engineering
  63. Bachelor of technology in medical engineering
  64. Bachelor of technology (mechanical engineering technology)
  65. Bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering
  66. Bachelor of technology in marine engineering
  67. Bachelor of science (applied bioengineering)
  68. Bachelor of science in applied optics and lasers
  69. Bachelor of science (petroleum engineering)
  70. Bachelor of science (petroleum geoscience)
  71. Bachelor of science(aerospace engineering)
  72. Bachelor of science (petroleum chemistry)
  73. Bachelor of engineering (chemical and process engineering)
  74. Bachelor of engineering (chemical engineering)
  75. Bachelor of engineering (industrial and textile engineering)
  76. Bachelor of engineering (civil & structural engineering)
  77. Bachelor of engineering (civil and structural engineering)
  78. Bachelor of science (civil and structural engineering)
  79. Bachelor of engineering (electrical and electronic engineering)
  80. Bachelor of engineering (electrical and electronics engineering)
  81. Bachelor of science (energy engineering)
  82. Bachelor of science (renewable energy technology and management)
  83. Bachelor of science (renewable energy and technology)
  84. Bachelor of science in renewable energy and technology
  85. Bachelor of science (Bsc) in renewable energy technology
  86. Bachelor of science (biomedical engineering)
  87. Bachelor of science (medical engineering)
  88. Bachelor of engineering (electrical and telecommunication engineering)
  89. Bachelor of technology (chemical engineering)
  90. Bachelor of science in telecommunications
  91. Bachelor of engineering (mechanical & production engineering)
  92. Bachelor of engineering (mechanical and production engineering)
  93. Bachelor of science (disaster preparedness and environment technology)
  94. Bachelor of technology (Btech), in mechanical ventilation and air conditioning
  95. Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry, With IT)
  96. Bachelor Of Science (Industrial Chemistry)
  97. Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Chemistry
  98. Bachelor Of Science (Analytical Chemistry With Management)
  99. Bachelor Of Science (Analytical Chemistry)
  100. Bachelor Of Science (BSC) In Analytical Chemistry
  101. Bachelor Of Science In Analytical Chemistry With Computing
  102. Bachelor Of Science (Analytical Chemistry, With IT)

Minimum Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for engineering degree courses is the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (KCSE) mean grade C + (plus) and above. Applicants should also have performed well in the various cluster subjects required for each course or study option or programme.

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By | 2019-11-12T09:28:50+03:00 November 12th, 2019|Blog Articles|
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