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Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in Migori County

Colleges in Migori and its county environs consist of one public university, several technical colleges, and diverse vocational training centers, previously known as, youth polytechnics. Courses offered in college include; artisan, craft-certificate and diploma courses.

Why You Should Get Career Guidance First?

Career guidance service will help you identify a marketable course that aligns to your career interests. Being in career of your choice boosts your morale, keeps you committed at the workplace, gives your life a meaning, and is well paying. Do you know over 75% of professionals are dissatisfied by their jobs? The major cause of this dissatisfaction is lack of career guidance at the point of selecting a college course. The career guidance service we offer helps you avoid ending up in a boring, dead-end job without opportunities for career progression. If you need help to identify a course that aligns to your career interests, and pays well for quick progress in life, contact us for personalized help.

List of Universities in Migori County

Rongo University (RU) is the only chartered university in Migori County. Rongo University is a full-pledged public university found 11 kilometers from Rongo town, and 2.5 kilometers off the Rongo-Migori Highway. The university offers Ph.D., masters, bachelors, diplomas, and certificate courses to qualified students.

  1. Rongo University, (RU)

Colleges in Migori County- Broad List

Technical colleges in Migori county comprise; public and private colleges. The colleges are spread across the county majorly in urban areas, or growing areas. The following list constitutes public and private colleges in Migori county;

  1. Siala Technical Training Institute
  2. Kakrao Technical and Vocational College/ Kakrao TVC
  3. Migori Teacher Training College
  4. Kenya Medical Training College, Migori campus
  5. Elgon View Technical & Vocational College-Migori Campus
  6. Eneza Training Institute
  7. Kenya Institute of Financial and Applied Management – KIFAM
  8. Kimtech Training College of Science and Technology
  9. Migori Institute of Sciences and Technology
  10. Migori Maranatha Training College
  11. Regional Institute of Business Management

Public Colleges in Migori County

One advantage of attending a public college is affordable tuition fees especially if you join the institution under government sponsored program. The following are few public colleges in Migori county you can explore depending on your career goals;

  1. Siala Technical Training Institute
  2. Kakrao Technical and Vocational College/ Kakrao TVC
  3. Migori Teacher Training College
  4. Kenya Medical Training College, Migori campus

Private Colleges in Migori County

Private training institutions provides a training alternative for students, and looking for options different from state sponsored schools. There are several private colleges in Migori you can consider depending on your career interests, geographical location, budget, and other requirements;

  1. Elgon View Technical & Vocational College-Migori Campus
  2. Eneza Training Institute
  3. Kenya Institute of Financial and Applied Management – KIFAM
  4. Kimtech Training College of Science and Technology
  5. Migori Institute of Sciences and Technology
  6. Migori Maranatha Training College
  7. Regional Institute of Business Management

Vocational Training Centers/ Youth Polytechnics in Migori County

Vocational Training Centers or (Youth Polytechnics as commonly known) offers mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of Vocational Training Centers/ youth polytechnics in Migori County, both public and private.

  1. Awendo Marindi Youth Polytechnic
  2. Biticha Vocational Training Center
  3. Bware Vocational Training Center
  4. Chinato Vocational and Educational Training Center
  5. Gamasisi Vocational Training Center
  6. Kababu Vocational Training Center
  7. Macalder Vocational Training Center
  8. Manyatta Vocational Training Center
  9. Migori Vocational Training Center
  10. Ntimaru Youth Polytechnic
  11. Uriri Vocational Training Center

Courses Offered in College

The following colleges are offered in colleges in Migori; diploma courses, craft certificate and artisan courses. To get receive career guidance on each of these options, follow these links; for diplomas, for craft certificates and artisan courses.

Need Career Guidance?

Need help to decide which course to study? Do you need information on the courses offered by each of the above vocational training centers? Admission requirements? Study duration? Fees and other costs to pay (fee structure)? Intake months? We can help you. Contact us via the contact form below;

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By | 2023-09-08T08:18:33+03:00 October 1st, 2019|Blog Articles|
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