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Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in Kiambu County

We provide up to date information of colleges in Kiambu County, the courses they offer, their admission requirements, the fees and other costs they charge and much more. We also provide career guidance to help you choose the right course at the right institution. If you need this kind of support, contact us through the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will respond promptly.

For ease of reference, we have classified colleges and other training institutions in Kiambu County into two categories; (1) Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) and (2) Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) commonly knownas Youth Polytechnics (YPs). The list is a combination of both public and private colleges.

A list of Technical and Vocational Colleges in Kiambu County
Technical and Vocational colleges offers mainly artisan certificate courses, craft certificate courses and diploma courses. The following is a list of Technical and Vocational colleges in Kiambu County.

  1. Aberdare Institute of Business Studies and Catering [view courses]
  2. African Milling School [view courses]
  3. Africana College of Professionals [view courses]
  4. Amboseli Institute of Hospitality & Technology-Thika [view courses]
  5. Brainsway Business College [view courses]
  6. Brilliant Institute of Professional Studies [view courses]
  7. Cascade Institute [view courses]
  8. Cascade Institute of Hospitality [view courses]
  9. Chania Training Institute [view courses]
  10. Christian Industrial Training College [view courses]
  11. Comtech College [view courses]
  12. Dykaan College – Juja [view courses]
  13. Dykaan College-Githurai Campus [view courses]
  14. Experts Business College [view courses]
  15. Gakeo College of Business Studies [view courses]
  16. Gakuyo Technical College [view courses]
  17. Global Institute of Computers & Engineering Studies- Githunguri [view courses]
  18. Havard Institute of Development Studies [view courses]
  19. Hemland College of Professional and Technical Studies – Kigio [view courses]
  20. Hemland College of Professional and Technical Studies – Thika Arcade [view courses]
  21. Highlands State College – Thika [view courses]
  22. ICT College Limited [view courses]
  23. Institute of Neo Technology and Business Management [view courses]
  24. International Centre of Technology [view courses]
  25. Jodan College of Technology- Thika [view courses]
  26. Juja College of Accountancy [view courses]
  27. Keiway Mining and Technology College
  28. Kena Institute of Technology and Hospitality [view courses]
  29. Kenya Institute of Organic Farming [view courses]
  30. Kenya School of Medical Science & Technology-Thika Town campus [view courses]
  31. Kenya School of Medical Science and Technology [view courses]
  32. Kenya YMCA College of Agriculture and Technology [view courses]
  33. Kiambu County Institute of Management [view courses]
  34. Kiambu Institute of Business Studies [view courses]
  35. Kiambu Institute of Computer Engineering [view courses]
  36. Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology
  37. Kijabe College of Health Science
  38. Kilimambogo Highways Building Technology Institute [view courses]
  39. Kivuli College [view courses]
  40. Krones LCS Center East Africa Limited
  41. Matric Institute of Professional Studies [view courses]
  42. Miles College [view courses]
  43. Miramar International College [view courses]
  44. Munyu Institute of Technology [view courses]
  45. Nairobi Institute of Business Studies- Ruiru [view courses]
  46. Nairobi Institute Of Business Studies (NIBS)-Thika Campus [view courses]
  47. Nairobi Institute of E-Commerce [view courses]
  48. Perfect Ten Hair and Beauty College [view courses]
  49. Petanns Institute of Business Studies [view courses]
  50. Premier Professional Institute- Kikuyu campus [view courses]
  51. Premier Professional Institute- Limuru campus [view courses]
  52. Premier Professional Institute- Ruaka campus [view courses]
  53. Raynata Institute Of Hotels And Catering [view courses]
  54. Reward College of Technology [view courses]
  55. Rosana Training Institute [view courses]
  56. Ruiru college of Catering and Management Studies [view courses]
  57. Ruiru Institute of Business Studies [view courses]
  58. Sisters of Mercy Commercial College
  59. Skynet Business College-Limuru [view courses]
  60. Spackle College of hair design and beauty [view courses]
  61. Thika Institute of Business Studies [view courses]
  62. Thika Institute of Business Studies – Town Campus [view courses]
  63. Thika Institute of Business Studies-Highway Campus [view courses]
  64. Thika Institute of Computers [view courses]
  65. Thika School of medical and Health Sciences-thika campus [view courses]
  66. Thika Technical Training Institute [view courses]
  67. Tonic Institute [view courses]
  68. Transafric Accountancy & Management College [view courses]
  69. Trident School of Technical and Professional Studies – Thika Campus [view courses]
  70. Vitec Training Institution [view courses]
  71. Word of Faith Community College [view courses]

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A list of Vocational Training Centers/ Youth Polytechnics in Kiambu County
Vocational Training Centers or (Youth Polytechnics as commonly known) offers mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of Vocational Training Centers/ youth polytechnics in Kiambu County, both public and private.

  1. Gitiha Vocational Training Center
  2. Gituamba vocational training Center [view courses]
  3. Gokoe Vocational Training Centre
  4. Juja Farm Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  5. Kagumo-ini Vocational Training Center
  6. Kairi Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  7. Kamirithu Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  8. Kanyariri Vocational Training Center
  9. Karatu vocational training Center [view courses]
  10. Karingari Vocational Training Center
  11. Kinoo Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  12. Kolping Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  13. Komothai Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  14. Kwihota Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  15. Makongeni Educational Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  16. Mangu Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  17. Mbichi vocational Training Center [view courses]
  18. Muguga Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  19. Munyu-ini Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  20. Ndenderu Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  21. Nyaga Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  22. Nyanduma Vocational Training Center
  23. Riabai Vocational Training Centre
  24. Riuki Youth Polytechnic [view courses]
  25. St Bosco Vocational Training Centre [view courses]
  26. Joseph the Worker Thuita Vocational Training Centre
  27. Thogoto Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  28. Uthiru Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  29. Wabeni Vocational Training Centre

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Do you need information on the courses offered by each of the above vocational training centres?, Admission requirements?, Study duration?, Fees and other costs to pay (fee structure)?, Intake months? Or need career guidance to help you choose the best course in the best-fit-institution? Contact us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will assist you.

Course offerings

Technical and Vocational Centers offers training for diploma courses, craft certificate and artisan courses. To get receive career guidance on each of these options, follow these links; for diplomas, for craft certificates and artisan courses.

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By | 2020-03-17T09:13:47+03:00 September 30th, 2019|Blog Articles|
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