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Colleges and Vocational Training Centers in, Machakos- Machakos County

We provide up to date information of colleges in Machakos- Machakos County, the courses they offer, their admission requirements, the fees and other costs they charge and much more. We also provide career guidance to help you choose the right course at the right institution. If you need this kind of support, contact us through the chatbot at the bottom of this website and we will respond promptly.

For ease of reference, we have classified colleges and other training institutions in Machakos County into two categories; (1) Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) and (2) Vocational Training Centers (VTCs). The list is a combination of both public and private colleges.

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A list of Technical and Vocational Colleges in Machakos – Machakos County
Technical and Vocational colleges offers mainly artisan certificate courses, craft certificate courses and diploma courses. The following is a list of Technical and Vocational colleges in Machakos- Machakos County.

  1. Africa Institute of Health and Development
  2. Catholic Technical Training Institute- Machakos branch (campus)
  3. Catholic Technical Training Institute
  4. Century Park College
  5. Eastern Kenya Integrated College
  6. Katine Technical Training Institute
  7. Katoloni Technical College
  8. Kenya Institute of Management – Machakos branch (campus)
  9. Kenya Institute of Social Sciences
  10. Kenya Israel Technical College- Machakos branch (campus)
  11. Kenya Israel Technical College Engineering and Driving School
  12. Kenya Israel Technical College – Wamunyu Branch (campus)
  13. Machakos Institute of Technology
  14. Machakos Medical and Technical Training College
  15. Machakos Technical Institute for the Blind
  16. Makutano Technical Training College
  17. Masii Institute of Technology
  18. Mutisya Technical Training Institute
  19. NYS Yatta School of Agriculture
  20. Rural Aid Kenya Training Institute
  21. Joseph Kaloki Memorial Mechanical and Driving School
  22. Starlite Beauty and hair dressing
  23. Tala School of Management
  24. Trans- Ian Computer Secretarial College
  25. Uwezo College- machakos
  26. Uzuri Institute Machakos branch- (campus)
  27. Westford International Training Centre-Tala branch (campus)

…..Continue reading to view more training institutions in Machakos County

Need for information on any of the above institutions? contact us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website.

A list of Vocational Training Centers/ Youth Polytechnics in Machakos-Machakos County
Vocational Training Centers (or Youth Polytechnics) offers mainly artisan and craft certificate courses. The following is a list of Vocational Training Centers in Machakos County.

  1. ABC Kivi Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  2. Athi River Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  3. Baraka Technical College
  4. Ekalakala Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  5. Kaluluni Vocational Training Center
  6. Kalumoni Vocational Training Centre
  7. Katangi Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  8. Kimutwa Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  9. Kioyweni Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  10. Kithaayoni Vocational Training Centre
  11. Kithuluni Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  12. Kituluni Vocational Training Center
  13. Komarok Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  14. Kyamutwoii S.A. Vocational Training Centre
  15. Kyamwee Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  16. Kyeleni Vocational Training Centre
  17. Kyemutheke Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  18. Kyevaluki Vocational Training Centre
  19. Lumbwa Salvation Army Vocational Training Center
  20. Lumbwa Vocational Training Centre
  21. Masii Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  22. Masinga Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  23. Matuu Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  24. Miseleni Salvation Army Vocational training Center [view courses]
  25. Mutondoni Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  26. Mutuyu Vocational training Center [view courses]
  27. Ndalani Youth Polytechnic [view courses]
  28. Ndithini Vocational Training Center
  29. Ngelani Vocational Training Centre
  30. Joseph’s Vocational Training Center- Mlolongo
  31. Tumutumu Vocational Training Center
  32. Vyulia Vocational Training Center [view courses]
  33. Yathui Vocational Training Center

Need for information on any of the above institutions? contact us via the chatbot at the bottom of this website.

Dear reader, become a Coursebook supporter today for as little as Kshs: 100 to help our team bring you clear, useful and trustworthy information & guidance to help you and others make informed course & college decisions, a sure pathway to a brighter future.  Contribute now, go to Lipa na M-PESA, Buy goods and Services and enter Till no: 634654, then put the contribution of your choice. Thank you.

Technical and Vocational Centers offers training for diploma courses, craft certificate and artisan courses. To get receive career guidance on each of these options, follow these links; for diplomas, for craft certificates and artisan courses.

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By | 2020-05-13T22:44:23+03:00 September 27th, 2019|Blog Articles|
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