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How to apply for HELB Loan for the first time?

What is Helb?
The Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) is a state corporation that finances colleges and universities education for needy students in Kenya. Helb loan is a loan or financial support that is given to needy Kenyan students to support their college or university education.

Who qualifies for Helb loan?
Needy government sponsored students in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions/ colleges and universities qualify for Helb loan. This means diploma, certificate, or artisan government sponsored students in public colleges can apply for Helb loan as well as well government sponsored students in public and private universities. Helb also gives loans to self-sponsored or parallel students in both public and private universities on a need basis.

When can you apply for Helb loan?
For first time Helb loan applications, Helb loan application portal opens once the government sponsored students have been placed by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (Kuccps). Therefore once Kuccps notifies you of your placement, there is high likelihood Helb loan application portal is open and accepting new applications. Go ahead and apply.

What are the requirements for Helb loan application?
For first time Helb loan application, students are required to provide the following details;

  1. Identification Document (ID)
  2. Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)Personal Identification Number (PIN), i.e. (KRA PIN)
  3. Parents IDs or Death Certificate(s) for deceased parent(s)
  4. Details of college/ university such as course name, institution name, fee payable etc.
  5. Guarantors IDs, (IDs of two people who signs for your loan form)
  6. Valid bank account (for yourself)
  7. And other general information required in various sections of the form

How to apply for Helb loan for the first time
It is important to note that Helb loans are applied online and thereforethere is no manual applications whatsoever. For first time Helb application, make sure you have the above Helb loan application checklist or requirements and visit Helb website www.helb.co.ke, and open your Helb account. You are required to have a valid email address and mobile number. An authentication code will be sent to your mobile phone number to authenticate your account. Once, your account has been authenticated you can start the application process.

Before you continue with the loan application process, you will be required to do a financial literacy test. The test which is part of the Helb application process is aimed at giving you basic financial knowledge to empower you make informed financial decisions regarding the Helb loan that shall be awarded to you. Helb will give you resources that you can go through or read before you can begin the test. All the answers to the questions being tested can be found in this resource, therefore you don’t need to be worried about the test. Once you pass the test, you can proceed with your loan application. Make sure you complete your loan application within the given Helb loan application deadline.

Once you are through with your loan application process, you are required to print two (2) copies of your Helb loan application forms for signatures by various people such as yourself, your guarantors and the magistrate. Once the forms have been signed and all required documents attached, keep one of the copies for your records and submit the other copy to Helb offices in Nairobi or at the nearest Helb Huduma centre desk.

How much money does Helb award?
Helb awards loans based on your need which can be ascertained through the strength of your Helb loan application form. Helb can therefore award a maximum loan of fifty thousand Kenya shillings, Kshs. 50,000/-. On top of this amount, depending on how needy you are, Helb can award a bursary of eight thousand Kenya shillings, Kshs. 8,000/-.

Need guidance on your Helb loan application?
We have guided hundreds of students go through the application process successfully not only for Helb loan applicants but also through the entire college application process. Therefore if you need assistance on how to apply to colleges, how to apply for Helb loan, or guidance on any college related issue, we can assist you.

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By | 2019-09-02T08:23:30+03:00 September 2nd, 2019|Blog Articles|
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